Arabic Placed on the Pattern
When the Arabic Alphabet is placed on the pattern, a number of interesting facts come to light. Twenty eight letters can be placed with three letters at the start, middle, end, and two letters at all eight other locations. The numbers below the letters are a counting of these letters. The first letter of the alphabet is number 1, etc. First, notice the number 29, the letter hamza, is shown over the letter1, the letter 'alif. This is an old arabic convention, where the special letter hamza is always carried on the 'alif.
Another detail, is the name Mohammed draws a short line between the two center locations. The name reads miim (24), haa'(6), miim(24), daal(8). Draw a line between these letters will create this line.
If we continue the sequence numbers of letters past 31, you would find the number 113 is directly over the numbers 1 and 29, and the number 114 is directly over the number 13, and 30. These are the two final chapters of the Qur'an. These numbers occur in the fifth vertical row of numbers set on this pattern.
The first two letters of the Qur'an, baa'(2), siin(12) may be seen in the lower right hand corner.
Black rectangles are placed over special letters occuring in specific chapters of the Qur'an, called
the Abbreviated Letters. My book goes into great detail concerning these letters.
Another interesting point you can see in the pattern the numbers 19 and 25 are in the ninth location where the first location where the number 1 ('alif) is located at the start of the pattern. If these locations were months, then this would be the ninth month of Ramadan. The number 25 is the letter nuun, a very special letter in the Abbreviated Letters.This is the last of the letters occuring only once. The same number 19 is very special in the Abbreviated Letters.
Another fact: the introduction of the 14 special letters in the Qur'an always occur in the order shown from left to right in this figure.